Enjoy Edible Plants
We like to use regenerative and holistic practices in our orchards and landscapes to provide the greatest amount of organic health for long-term success.
Orchards & Edible Landscaping
So many edible plants are also incredibly beautiful. Highbush blueberry, with its whimsical form and red fall color, deserves a place in every garden. Edible gardens are like bringing foraging to your back door. Throw in some statuesque inoculated mushroom logs to have a complete meal at your fingertips.
We’re passionate about orchard design, installation and care. We use bareroot trees from high quality Northeastern growers to reduce the stress of transplanting as much as possible. Fruit trees tend to be sensitive and are subject to a good amount of insect and disease pressure, so proper establishment is the key to a lifetime of health.
We like to use regenerative and holistic practices in our orchards and landscapes to provide the greatest amount of organic health for long-term success. Employing elements like hugelkultur beds between orchard rows, planting on berms, creating swales, and planting companion plants that bioaccumulate nutrients or fix nitrogen (yarrow, comfrey, seaberry) are a few examples of how to add beneficial ecosystem dynamics to an orchard system.
Orchard package per tree:
Includes one 3-6′ bare root tree, azomite, kelp meal, compost tea, compost, mulch, 2′ vole protection hardware cloth, 5′ deer protection cage, 9 assorted size branch spreaders.