A Garden Design
Just for You
Add to that a custom built patio, vegetable garden, arbor, or water feature and the outdoor living space really comes to light.
Garden Design
We love designing ecological gardens just as much as large meadows. We use the same ecological principles to guide plant selection based on site analysis. A few of the important plant characteristics to consider are behavior, shade tolerance, soil preferences, and bloom time. We aim to cover the ground in plants of different strata to eliminate the need to mulch once plants have established. We love all styles of gardens from cottage to contemporary and will work with clients to bring their vision to life.
Hardscaping has been a foundational aspect of Matt’s Landscaping for 15 years, and nothing sets the stage like local bluestone or reclaimed granite steppers. Add to that a custom-built patio, vegetable garden, arbor, or water feature and the outdoor living space really feels complete.